Monday, March 01, 2004

Needed: oscilloscope

I am in desperate need of an oscilloscope. I have done as much debugging as I can with my DMM and I am stuck in my tracks until I can get an oscilloscope to debug my problems. My part not willing to go into ISP (In System Programming) mode so I cannot program it. I have checked all the connections and the oscillator and everything seems fine so I think that it must be either the 12V programming power supply (of which I have tried three different ones now) has to much ripple, not enough instantaneous turn on current or the reset pulse is flaky. Any one of these at the very minimum requires an analog scope and ideally would have a digital storage scope to debug. I have access to one old analog scope at the Austin Robot Club on Thursdays for about a half hour but if I am going to make any progress I need to find a way to get more time on a scope. If anyone can help please let me know where I can get some time on a scope or a place where they sell used scopes for a decent price I would appreciate it.

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